The Issues with a MLO

Estimated Read Time: 7 minutes

History of MLO in Douglas County

When the 2018 MLO/Bond (5A/5B) passed, it was the first successful passage of an MLO in Douglas County in 12 years! This meant throughout the 2007-2008 recession and for years beyond, our District continued to function on the same budget with more growth in our community. When development began south of County Line, MLOs were passed with regularity. With the first high school in Highlands Ranch and the second in the district, Douglas County was known nationwide for its outstanding school district. We were able to recruit the best teachers because we had the funds and the reputation. It was expected and encouraged early on. The last time Douglas County saw funding from an MLO was in 2006, and when the Reform Board of 2009-2017 squandered millions away to create a software system, our district was in a very bad financial place. Additionally,  many of our county residents moved here in the early days of development and no longer have children attending our schools (approximately 70% of the electorate), which for some, makes them less inclined to vote for school funding. 

Issue with a Potential MLO

There is a significant lack of trust in the Douglas County community with the newly elected BoE majority Directors. Though there are so many, prime examples include – the resolution to the Equity Policy, the secretive (and possibly illegal) firing of Cory Wise and the rushed Superintendent search and hiring process. With each of these decisions, DCSD community members and teachers and staff have spoken up. They asked that the Equity Policy be left as is, they were very vocal regarding the firing of Wise, and they also directly asked the BoE to be included in the hiring process for the new Superintendent. And when the teachers and the community provided their undeniable support for Danny Winsor for the Superintendent position, the BoE majority again ignored them. Included in this population are some who voted for the Kids First slate. With campaign promises of transparency and accountability, the BoE majority actions have been anything but. 

First, Erin Kane attended a private retreat with the newly elected candidates in November. Although this is not outrageously egregious on its own, the fact that it was not disclosed is deceptive. Also for Peterson to ask Kane to apply for the Superintendent position before it was open, both revealed the new Directors’ plan and was a reminder that it had been in play long before Wise was given the ultimatum. This is the exact opposite of when Peterson publicly said that he planned to give him a chance and “try” things with Cory to see how it went. It just don’t add up. Let’s add to this that Kane sent a text to Wise with a photo of his contract the morning he was given the ultimatum. If this doesn’t illuminate her character and Peterson’s intent, then I don’t know what does. Back to transparency, Kane never disclosed publicly her campaign donations to the KF slate, which although were not significant, continue a pattern of behavior of non-transparency.  

The most egregious act we have seen yet was the violation of COML with the decision to fire Wise. In true gaslighting fashion, the BoE majority members maintain that the judge’s decision is incorrect. Instead, they want to use public money for their private mistakes, doubling down with appealing the lawsuit and hiring additional attorneys to do so. 

Notably, Sandra Brownrigg, who chairs the Mill Bond Exploratory Committee (MBEC), said at this week’s BoE meeting that “building community trust” is an important piece to getting an MLO passed in this community.


The new board majority continues to use the tactic of gaslighting as it relates to this MLO/Bond. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that leads community members to question the reality of the information that is being presented, in this case, creating a false narrative about the MLO. 

For example, MLOs have been a way to increase teacher pay and create retention; however, the board majority will have you believing that passing a new MLO is the only way to support teachers, while simultaneously shaming you if you don’t support the MLO because of trust issues with the BoE. The lack of integrity of this new board majority and its lack of fiscal responsibility has been mind blowing. They will also say that they support teachers with this MLO while simultaneously shaming them for having a labor union to protect their rights. Notice they were careful to blame the union boogeyman so as not to alienate teachers, but who makes up the union? Teachers. Shame the union, you shame teachers. 

It is worth mentioning that on Oct. 26, the teacher compensation presentation was given to the BoE, where it was revealed that the funding for this new proposed plan would run out in two years. Overheard in the audience during a break at the BoE meeting on Nov. 9,  was Candidate Peterson mentioning to Kevin DiPasquale, Executive Director of Douglas County Federation (DCF), that they would need to work together to get the MLO passed. Tell me, how has this happened thus far? Nothing that has been done to date as been “working together,” not to mention we cannot overlook that dropping a mask mandate, hiring additional attorneys, making a resolution to the Equity Policy, has ALL come before any preparation for an MLO (MBEC), but yet, he continues to say how important teachers are to them and that they support them. Not ONE single decision has been made that positively impacts the students and their academic and social emotional learning since they were sworn in. Not one. Kids First is just an empty slogan.  

What does it really look like to support DCSD teachers and staff?

Cultivating fiscal accountability and transparency to the community means also having humility to acknowledge when mistakes were made and to create a path to accountability and repair. This type of positive, forward-thinking culture is critical to passing a MLO. 

It means listening to teachers and staff when they say they support Danny Winsor as their pick for Superintendent and acting on it. It means supporting the rights of our teachers and staff to unionize for their betterment of their professional licensure, community connectedness and support. It means supporting a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) to show value for our teachers’ rights as employees. If they truly support teachers, they need to stop demonizing the teachers’ union. 

Our teachers are our academic experts, working daily with our students, and they deserve to have their expertise honored in the development of their classroom curriculum/content without censorship. 

Douglas County is one of the wealthiest counties in the country, and a teacher compensation plan that not only catches up to our neighboring districts’ plans, but exceeds them, is necessary if this BoE truly prioritizes public education.We need an MLO that places our district ahead of the rest. 

What does the future hold for the MLO?

Unfortunately, this new board majority has created and continues to create a lot of mistrust in the community without any sense of accountability for its actions. If a MLO is not passed, our prediction is that instead of taking accountability for their actions in creating a chaotic district culture of mistrust, they will blame anyone who tried to call them into accountability and repair. This will include blaming the teachers themselves. Gaslighting at its finest.

This new board majority has an opportunity to comprehensively support our teachers. There is an opportunity for them to repair the harm they have created with our community and build the community trust necessary to pass the MLO. This is what true support of our teachers and staff looks like.  


The Misinformation Spread


The Problem With Color Blindness