Community Conversation - We Exist

The following is part of DougCo Collective’s “Community Conversations” and was written by a Douglas County community member (parent, student, teacher/staff or community member).  The intent of “Community Conversations” is to give members of the Douglas County community an opportunity to contribute to the larger DCSD conversation with their lived experiences and perspectives.  Usually these conversations are kept anonymous; however, the author of this particular conversation requested to have their name published.

Estimated Read Time: 5 minutes

Author: Craig Mason, Director of Membership, Freedom from Religion Foundation, Colorado Chapter

We Exist. We’re Americans. And We Exist.

I’ve spent some time over the last two years looking carefully at the School Board situation in Douglas County, Colorado. My interest peaked due to the rise of Trump-ism. During the Obama years, I felt a genuine joy as I watched our country recognize a Black man as the leader of the free world, reproductive rights seemed assured, and Marriage Equality was achieved with great fanfare and celebration. And we were about to elect the most qualified woman in history to the presidency.

I hoped that this groundswell of progressive initiatives would win the day.

In my role with Freedom from Religion, I’ve spent a long time looking at the unfortunate connections between White Christian Nationalism and the Republican party. I’ve deeply felt that the anti-science requirements of believing that Noah’s Flood occurred creates a situation of gullibility and susceptibility to conspiracy theory and manipulation. Religion and Politics should never have intertwined, and yet, here we are.

In 2022, how have these seemingly disparate topics come together in Douglas County, specifically in our education and school board systems? They are related, however, it's much simpler than fighting all the culture wars at the same time.

It’s the mere existence of others that is so offensive. That a Black man, or a woman, could become president, was offensive. That the LGBTQ+ community exists, and wants fair treatment, is offensive. That there are people out there that reject your religion, is so offensive, that you literally “demonize” them as your “opponents.” That a political party exists that rejects your assertion that life is created at conception, and that reproductive rights are not acts of murder - offends you to your core and spiritual identity. 

And here is the most offensive thing: not only do these people exist: it's entirely possible they are in your family. And you are so afraid that these ideas, these differences, these offenses: will make their way into your own family, your own circle of friends, your children: that you’ll fight. You’ll fight virtually, you’ll fight online, you’ll protest, you’ll argue, you’ll attend school board meetings, you’ll attend rallies – all to meet others who share your concerns, your outrage, your anger. You try to ban books that attempt to normalize these “others.” You elect leaders that play up to your fears, and the division. You homeschool your kids in a misguided attempt to hide from reality.

Now buckle up – here’s a new idea. We. Exist.

As an Atheist, it took me many years to come “out of the closet” to my family. And there was a social price to be paid. Think about it – I was threatened with eternal damnation. My family rejected me. My own mother expressed her severe disappointment with me for the rest of my adult life. Not one family member stood by me. I had to adopt a new family, of friends, of like-minded people. Those penalties are precisely what White Christian Nationals intend to inflict upon: the LGBTQ+ community, any religion or nonreligion not their own, anyone who supports Women’s Rights, all of the classic culture war battles.

And yet – after that treatment – I still Exist. No amount of shunning or silencing me will define my existence. I am American. Americans embrace Diversity.

America is a beautiful quilt-work of ideas. Differing political parties. Different religions. We are not a Theocracy.

What I see in school board public comments are attempts to roll us back in time to when everyone that didn’t fit in would stay hidden and “in the closet.” Those days are over, folks. You cannot bully us back into silence. Book bans won’t roll.

When you go to your church, you’re an American – people fought and died for your right to Assemble, to express yourself. And – collectively – its all of our jobs to protect all religions, not just yours – all points of view – not just yours – and yes – all expressions of gender and sexuality – not just yours – and not just what your holy book states is right or wrong. Most of us don’t buy what your ancient scriptures say – and that’s ok – you need to get used to being an American. Our government, as codified by our Constitution, does not favor one religion, or non-religion, over others – this means yours.

Want Christian values in schools?  Enroll your child in a private Christian school.  Don’t like Gay Marriage? Don’t get gay married. Don’t like Abortions? Don’t get one. Don’t like other religions? Don’t attend their services – news flash – we don’t want to attend yours. You’re safe. You’re fine. And you’re an American – you’re encouraged and celebrated to live your values.

Some light advice? Some humility. You have LGBTQ+ people in your social circles. You have nonbelievers in your family. We’re all in this, together.

You exist. We exist. Let’s CoExist.


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