Misinformation Mayhem: Satanic Panic 2.0
“Now here we are in 2022, and instead of satanic cults lying in wait in every small town in America, it’s teachers wanting to “groom” your children lurking in every classroom in the country. It’s all too familiar, isn’t it?”

What Does it Mean to “Dismantle” Public Education? Casting Educators and Teachers’ Unions as the Bad Guys
“By lowering the standards for teacher qualifications, two messages are loud and clear – first, teachers are not professionals; and second, lowering the quality of public education is acceptable.”

Collective Bargaining: “NOT a Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone”
“So in denying teachers this supposed “self-licking ice cream cone” of a collective agreement, what is the ultimate goal? The hidden agenda and ultimate goal is to destroy public education through subjugation, humiliation and denial of the rights of our hard-working teachers.”

The Latest Dog Whistle from School Reformers: Teachers’ Unions
“Unfortunately, distorted stereotypes of the corrupt union boss, the distrust of any collective speaking out against the powers-that-be as being anti-American and socialist and other similar tropes are appropriated and distorted by those who refuse to recognize just how hard teachers work for them and the welfare of their children.”

Teachers United: Why We All Need a Teachers’ Union
“Like healthcare and other essential workers, our teachers have borne the brunt of the pandemic, while support for them at every level has been stripped away.“

DCSD Community Takes a Stand
“It was an afternoon filled with unity and hope.Teachers saw their community come together and stand alongside them. They were and are, true champions.”

Support DCSD Teachers and Staff
“Let's take a few minutes to go back in time to understand the impacts the Reformer Board had on our district…”

DCF Answers the Call
“…can we trust that these newly elected leaders have the best interests in mind for our staff, schools and, most importantly, our students?”